Executive Search is a direct contacting a certain candidate, whose professional characteristics meet the requirements set by the customer, without using the publication of a vacancy in the media or the Internet or search in open sources. This type of search is one of the main once for our company.
Among the completed projects:
- Director of Marketing and Business development Department
- Chief Operating Officer, member of the Executive Board
- Head of IT Department
- Head of the Department for working with major clients, TOP-3 Bank
- CEO, Luxembourg
- CEO, Gazprom subsidiary in sphere of transportation
- Head of the Administrative department, TOP-3 Bank
- Head of Planning and Financial Department
- Head of Private Banking Department
- Head of Internal Control services
- Head of Risk, CRO
At the present moment, Executive Search is a set of professional services for the selection and evaluation of TOP managers, including headhunting, assessment of the personal and professional qualities of a specialist, their compliance with the requirements of the Client.
The main stages of Executive Search projects:
1. Consulting a Client at the stage of defining position:
- Analysis of the personnel situation in the market
- Preliminary recommendation about compensation package
- Creation of detailed job description
- Identification of potential “donor companies”
- Selection of the form of interaction with the Client. The client chooses a convenient system for reporting on the current status of the project.
- Defining search strategy – usually, while working on vacancy, the executive search uses direct search and / or headhunting techniques
2. Search of candidates:
- Direct search and/or headhuntin
- Conducting interviews
- Selection and estimation of candidates
- Preparation of professional CV of candidate
3. Providing the best candidates for the Client:
- Organization of meetings between the Client and the candidate
- By Client’s request, the consultant being in charge of particular order can be present at the interview with the candidate
- Disputes resolution
- Providing recommendations to the Client regarding the compensation package and other working conditions for selected candidate in accordance with his peculiar features.
- Drafting an official job offer for a candidate
- Drafting an employment agreement
- Guiding the employed candidate during the period of job adaptation